In the Works

As this new year begins, I’m excited about our newest project, Preparing To Be A Help Meet, a book for single young women. It has truly been a labor of love because young women were willing to send me their love stories to help illustrate each lesson. We’ve had so many willing to share that it isn’t possible to include all of them in this single book. I say book, but it’s really a study guide and book all in one volume that can be used for group study or individually.

During this process, I’ve been reminded all over again that the calling of a help meet is that which requires heavenly resources. So often old habits and stinking thinking gets in the way of what God has created us to be. We must daily choose the better part. It’s really convicting to review the Scripture again as this newest book is prepared for printing.

Just as Daniel chastened himself and prayed for understanding (Daniel 10), as the Church labored through the night in prayer when Peter was in prison (Acts 12), there are times when we must clear the way with prayer. Prayer and angels go hand in hand. There are barriers that are crushed when God’s people pray.

As you remember us in prayer, pray for physical stamina, wisdom, clarity of purpose and efficiency in the many tasks at hand. Ask God to send His messengers to hand-deliver the very things that are required. We SO value your prayers! I’m convinced that the earnest prayers of faithful believers will make all of the difference in how quickly and how well we are able to reach our goals…

So, pray as you see the need, and we will rejoice with you to see God’s supply.