The Vision: A Little Theology

My husband Mike and I have challenged thousands of readers and listeners to look at the Scriptures for what they say and not through the lens of unscriptural theologies. I’ve included some of these points in The Vision.

Early in the story, two of the characters, Hope and her daughter Cheyenne, are discussing some of the herbal remedies Hope has concocted in her laboratory. After Cheyenne responds in disbelief that the Tree of Life couldn’t still exist on earth, Hope responds with some biblically accurate theology:

> The young woman was shaking her head in unbelief. “No…I can’t believe the tree of life could still be here on earth. God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden to keep them from eating and…and…well, it doesn’t say it was removed from the earth. But it is too fantastic to believe.”
“Why not?” Hope challenged. “I almost think I could recognize it, because I would know how the leaves would smell. I have worked with so many healing herbs, you just get where you know healing chemistry by the smell.” The old eyes stared transfixed as she considered the possibility of such a discovery, then shrugged her shoulders in defeat. “One of the Israeli researchers wrote that he had sent a team of young workers to look for every tree they could find, so obviously he thinks it is a possibility.”

There are more unscriptural theological boxes that The Vision tackles in the course of the story.